Lessons & Activities
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Did you know that you can integrate many of our design challenge and engineering lessons into your other content areas, like English Language Arts and social science?
Most of our resources are aligned with the engineering strand of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

You can count on these lessons

English Language Arts
Lessons to write home about

Social Science
Let’s make history together

Life Science
Get a life (science lesson)

Physical Science
Let’s get physical ... science

Earth and Space Science
These lessons are outta this world

Computational Thinking
Get with the (computer) program

Data Science
Byte into these

Systems Design
Big thinkers, unite!

Get your hands on these lessons

The Tech Challenge
Are you up to the Challenge?

Social Emotional Learning
Engineering with empathy

The Tech Interactive at Home
Short DIY activities to share with families using inexpensive store-bought materials or objects you find around the home.
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These resources are made possible through The Bowers Institute
Supporting educators to develop problem-solvers locally, nationally and globally.